I have seen the results firsthand of suicide. I have experienced the heartbreak every day for nearly a year now. Two of my dear friends made a suicide pact last year. One of them died, and one of them is presumed alive but nowhere to be found. My heart breaks anew each day, missing them both.
My last words with one of them weren't kind, though, at the time, I thought I was doing the kindest thing possible by sharing the Word of God with them. The problem is that my attitude behind sharing those words was neither kind nor loving. I did not realize it until later - when it was too late.
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary set of problems that seem too big for you or anyone else to handle. But here's what I want you to spend a long time - years if that's what it takes - ruminating on - God is bigger than all of our problems, no matter how big they appear.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
+Isaiah 55:8-9 (ESV)
I wish I could hug my friends again. I wish I could tell them I am sorry for the unkind words in person. I wish to thank them for being so kind and loving to my family and me. I wish I could minister to their needs. I wish all kinds of things, but none of them are likely to come to fruition. The emotions I feel surrounding the loss of my friends are complex, painful, and lasting. Suicide is not the answer. It never is. But do you know what the actual answer to all of life's problems is?
Stay tuned for another episode. See you next time! And remember, if you or a loved one is in danger, get help immediately, and don't stop talking until someone acts on your words.
National Domestic Abuse Hotline: 800-799-7233 Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish, and 200+ through interpretation service. SMS: Text START to 88788
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 Hours: Available 24 hours. https://www.rainn.org/
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish. https://988lifeline.org/
God is not angry with you. He knows you're scared and often feel unsafe. He sees you in your pain and recognizes that you're still learning and growing. God is infinitely more patient with you than you are with yourself.
It's hard to feel safe when all around you, people are engaging in unsafe behaviors that put you at risk. Of course you're going to react like a scared raccoon caught in a cage. That's how our brains work when we're terrified and can't find a safe place to be. God sees this. He knows this.
For God has not chosen to pour out his anger upon us but to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ; he died for us so that we can live with him forever, whether we are dead or alive at the time of his return.
+1 Thesasalonians 5:9-10 (TLB)
God is very patient with us. He desires that we heal, that we are saved, that we are made strong through Him. He desires eternity with us. Lean into Jesus today, embrace the gift of His salvation and live with Him forever.
Let's Pray
Lord Jesus Christ, sometimes it's hard to embrace the gift of Your salvation and to trust that You are not enraged with me, especially when I am scared of my surroundings and act out. I know that my behavior is not always pleasing to You and I am sorry for that. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and guide me along still waters so that I may drink in Your peace and find healing. I desire to live forever with You. It is in Your name I pray. Amen.
These new goslings are being protected and guided by their parents at Sundial Bridge Park along the Sacramento River. How sweet.
Stay tuned for another episode. See you next time! And remember, if you or a loved one is in danger, get help immediately, and don't stop talking until someone acts on your words.
National Domestic Abuse Hotline: 800-799-7233 Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish, and 200+ through interpretation service. SMS: Text START to 88788
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 Hours: Available 24 hours. https://www.rainn.org/
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish. https://988lifeline.org/