He never stood a chance. They hated him before he was even born. Already a burden, he was fighting for survival in the womb. Neither of his parents had ever felt real love – had ever known it. Sure, they’d heard whispers of it in church on Sundays when they’d bothered to go, but they didn’t have any real knowledge of it themselves. To them, love was a myth – a money maker. Something Hollywood used to sell movie tickets. No one had this thing called “unconditional love” did they?
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world might be saved through him.” -John 3:16-17
Christ died so that all may be saved. So that our sins would
be atoned for because we are unable to do so ourselves. His love is perfect,
everlasting love. He died knowing we had sinned, are sinning now, and will
continue to sin. He died for those who placed Him on the cross, and for those
who would make that decision again, if they had the opportunity. At the very
moment He died, your name and mine were on His heart. He died for us because He
loves us so deeply, so unconditionally. Yes, some of us do know His unconditional
love and it’s not a myth. It’s a love that changes us drastically, from the
inside out.
“Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” – Psalm 51:7
God’s love carries us through all the moments of our lives.
Tonight, as I write this, my heart is heavy. I am remembering the past. I am
remembering my sister and I am having flashbacks of the abuse we endured together.
I am also remembering my biological father – the man who never stood a chance.
The man who was hated from the moment he was conceived. Some would say that he
deserves no mercy. He was an abusive man, who trafficked drugs internationally
using Penske trucks and stolen personal vehicles. He beat women and children
and even admitted to trying to beat me out of my mother’s womb while I was
still inside. His parents – my grandparents – claimed to be devout Baptists. I
never believed that for a moment. I met them when I was seventeen years old and
one of the first phrases out of their mouths was laden with racial slurs. They
hated the fact that I had ridden the Greyhound into town and it was filled with
a diverse crowd. This was in the year 2000, mind you. Not the 1950’s.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14
I cringe when I hear parents express delight in allowing their children to choose for themselves whether or not they want to go to church. That’s too much responsibility for a young child who isn’t even aware of what’s at stake yet. These same parents find other ways to fill their time than attend church events, then proceed to hold their heads high and say that they’re giving their children a well-rounded education. No, I’m sorry. You’re not. Kids need direction, structure, and information. These parents do as well.
Pick up a Bible and read a few pages to see what it’s all about. Start with the book of John in the New Testament, and go from there. Avoid the books such as Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and Numbers that require a little more help to digest. At least make an informed decision before you decide to walk away completely. The same can be said for people.
Look your child in the face. Look at them. Notice how small
and fragile they are compared to you. Compared to the other adults in your
life. What do they need? What did you need when you were that small? How could knowing Jesus – truly knowing Jesus have changed the trajectory of your life? I wish my
biological father had known Him. I wish his parents had known Him (Jesus) too.
I’ve talked briefly before about the ripple effect of abuse on generations of family members. Imagine that instead of a negative ripple, being caused by abuse, there was a positive, life-changing ripple caused by knowing and embracing the love of Christ. That sounds so much better, doesn’t it? It’s my life goal that by ending the cycle of abuse in my family, a new ripple will form and affect many lives positively.
More than anything, I care about my
children’s character and their walk with Christ. If they do well in school,
that’s wonderful. How much of the Bible did they read today? Who did they share
God’s love with? How did they spread kindness in the world around them? Whose
life was made better by a simple smile today?
When I was on the fence about committing suicide, God reminded me of His everlasting love for me. Many other times, He sent people into my life to begin conversations around the fact that I was loved a whole lot more than I ever realized. I was not an easy kid to love. I was very troubled, didn’t trust anyone, and if you were an authority figure you had the distinct displeasure of hearing me rattle off every vulgar word I knew – aimed directly at you. Still, God sent His love to me every day. Those moments of loving intervention started a new ripple effect. One that felt distinctly more pleasurable than the abuse I’d been subjected to.
I wish, that during his life, I had loved my biological
father more. I hope that the few times I did share the Gospel with him, he
listened to me. I guess I’ll find out when I get to heaven. Hopefully, I’ll see
him there.
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My biological father holding my eldest child, about 6 months after her birth. |
Stay tuned for another episode. I aim to crank out the blog posts three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. See you next time! And remember, if you or a loved one is in danger, get help right away, and don't stop talking until someone acts on what you're saying.
National Domestic Abuse Hotline: 800-799-7233 Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish, and 200+ through interpretation service. SMS: Text START to 88788
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 Hours: Available 24 hours. https://www.rainn.org/
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish. https://988lifeline.org/
In Christ alone our hope is foundRun, don't walk for help! You're worth it.